David LaChapelle is known world wide for his extravagant and colorful art photography full of nudity, nonrealistic settings and irony. In some of his shots he uses religious symbols and elements in a contemporary and often also controversial way. Basically you can say that he creates his own world with his photos - a world with different rules, behavior and style.

- His website is www.lachapellestudio.com and www.davidlachapelle.com
- David LaChapelle started out working with photography in the 80's at galleries in NYC.
- He went to North Carolina School of Arts and later in NY he enrolled at the ARt Students League and the School of Visual Ars.
- He got hired at this first professional photography job by Andy Warhol at the Interview Magazine.
- He has taken photos of so many celebrities so to name a few: Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones, Eminem, Angelina Jolie, Leonardo DiCaprio and Britney Spears.
- He has also directed numerous music videos for e.g. Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears and No Doubt.
- He also built a huge set for > Elton John's red piano tour.
- He sued Rihanna for having used scenes and costumes in her "S and M" music video that look too similar to the ones of LaChapelle. So far it looks like she is losing 'cause it is unmistakably a copy of his work. > Comparison of Rihanna and LaChapelle.