- Director: Terrence Malick
- Production time: 2005-2010.
- Producer and actor: Brad Pitt
- Special effects: Douglas Trumbull
I encourage everyone to go watch "The Tree of Life". Its narrative is difficult to understand but the visuals are truly eyeopening:
I found my jaw dropping down unconsciously throughout the movie because of amazement.
The movie has been both criticized and acclaimed for it's "fragmented and non-linear narrative" (wiki). The story jumps in time and the themes of the movie stand clearer than the actual point of the narrative. It deals with the growth of a family, violence, grief and Man's place on earth.
Personally I think the movie's experimenting structure is interesting but I can also identify with the critics who believe that the movie would've gained from a clearer message.
Aside from the actual story the movie consists of a universe/cosmos sequence with jaw-dropping and breathtaking visuals. They were created with the help of Douglas Trumbull, the same visual effects guy who worked on "2001: A Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick from 1968.
Trumbull had been away from Hollywood for 30 years and he managed to create the amazing images by using different liquids and lights and without the use of CGI. > Read more and watch the amazing universe sequence
The movie starts and ends with a few minutes of this shot of a beautiful and colorful light source which is the work of Thomas Wilfred from the 60's. He was a musician and inventor and he practiced an art form called Lumia which is art created by light and music.

The movie starts and ends with a few minutes of this shot of a beautiful and colorful light source which is the work of Thomas Wilfred from the 60's. He was a musician and inventor and he practiced an art form called Lumia which is art created by light and music.
He used colored glass, light and music to form these "color organs" called Clavilux which means "light played by key" in Latin. One of his "songs" were called Opus 161 and was the one used for this movie. Absolutely beautiful.